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Since 9 February 2019, pharmacies (public pharmacies, hospital pharmacies as well as pharmacies supplying clinics and nursing homes) must verify the safety features (anti-tampering device, unique identifier) of prescription drugs for human use (with few exceptions) and subsequently deactivate the unique identifier. Without the verification of both safety features and the deactivation prior to dispensing, pharmaceuticals that are subject to mandatory verification may no longer be dispensed to patients after 9 February 2019. The authentication is performed through the securPharm-System. To conduct the legally mandated authentication, pharmacies must connect to the securPharm system via the pharmacy system. The pharmacy system is operated by NGDA – Netzgesellschaft Deutscher Apotheker GmbH.
The EU-Commission points out the legal obligations of the stakeholders regarding the implementation of savety features under the Falsified Medicines Directive in the letter of 18 october 2018.