Zentrale Beschaffungsstellen nach §47 Nr 5 AMG (central purchasing entities)
Access to the securPharm system via connection with the pharmacy system. Operating company is the NGDA – Netzgesellschaft deutscher Apotheker mbH. For questions regarding the technical connection, central purchasing entities or their software providers should contact NGDA or register at the partner portal of NGDA. NGDA is also responsible for the mandatory legtimcacy process.
Under the menu item FAQ/Helpdesk, NGDA provides answers to questions regarding the N-Ident process.
Industrielle Verblisterer (industrial blister centers)
Access to the securPharm system via connection with the pharmacy system. Operating company is the NGDA – Netzgesellschaft deutscher Apotheker mbH. For questions regarding the technical connection, central purchasing entities or their software providers should contact NGDA or register at the partner portal of NGDA. NGDA is also responsible for the mandatory legtimcacy process.
Under the menu item FAQ/Helpdesk, NGDA provides answers to questions regarding the N-Ident process.
To provide an overview of how to join securPharm and important topics regarding the implementation of the Falsified Medicines Directive, securPharm has compiled a checklist.
Compounding-Hersteller (compounding manufacturers)
Access to the securPharm system via connection with the pharmacy system. Operating company is the NGDA – Netzgesellschaft deutscher Apotheker mbH. For questions regarding the technical connection, central purchasing entities or their software providers should contact NGDA or register at the partner portal of NGDA. NGDA is also responsible for the mandatory legtimcacy process.
Under the menu item FAQ/Helpdesk, NGDA provides answers to questions regarding the N-Ident process.
To provide an overview of how to join securPharm and important topics regarding the implementation of the Falsified Medicines Directive, securPharm has compiled a checklist.
Others …
If you do not belong to any of the mentioned categories above, please contact securPharm headoffice.