Clarification on the so-called stabilisation phase in Germany and Europe
It is now five years since the introduction of the European Medicines Verification System. The stabilisation phase, which served as a transitional period to make it easier for market participants to adapt to the new system, has officially ended in many countries, including Germany. This marks an important step in …
16. ACS / securPharm Erfahrungsaustausch
Der diesjährige ACS/securPharm Erfahrungsaustausch findet am 5.11.2024, 10:00 – 14:30 Uhr in Berlin und online statt. Im Rahmen der jährlichen Netzwerkveranstaltung informieren Impulsvorträge über aktuelle Themen rund um den Fälschungsschutz von Arzneimitteln.
- Aktuell geplante Agenda
- Zur Anmeldung vor Ort (externe Seite)
Extensive maintenance work on April 13, 2024
The securPharm system has been in use for over five years and processes more than 12 million transactions a day continuously, quickly and reliably. To ensure this continues in the future, the system will be serviced on April 13, 2024 from 8 p.m. for approx. 20 hours and a new …
New scanner test for the securPharm-system
For several years now, End Users have been able to easily check their scanners using NGDA‘s scanner test and thus reduce their false alerts in the securPharm-system. A new version of the scanner test is now available from our strategic partner NGDA.
Incorrectly configured …
Detecting falsified medicines
The BfArM is currently warning against falsified medicines. The securPharm system detects such counterfeits and makes it possible to identify and withdraw these products from circulation at wholesalers level or upon delivery to pharmacies. With an obligatory check by means of a scan immediately before dispensing to …
Erweitertes Alarmmanagement für Endnutzer
Ab dem 3. Februar werden Endnutzer über die grafische Benutzeroberfläche des securPharm Apothekenservers verschiedene Funktionen zur Alarmbearbeitung durchführen können.
Die neue Funktionalität umfasst eine Kommentarfunktion genauso wie die …
Change for Intermarket Transaktions
On Thursday, 18.08.2022, a changeover will take place in the securPharm system: In the special case of intermarket transactions (IMT for short), a so-called temporarily consistent client ID will be transmitted as of the changeover. In this case, temporary means that the client ID is replaced by a new client …
European Commission Q&A Version 20
The European Commission has published a new version of the Questions & Answers (Q&A) document on “Safety Features for Medicinal Products for Human Use (v.20)”.
New is question 5.14: Is it allowed to verify the authenticity of the UI when the product is not in physical possession?
The document can …
Arzneimittel-Spenden in die Ukraine
Das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, Abteilung 1 (Arzneimittel, Medizinprodukte, Biotechnologie) informiert mit Schreiben vom 11. Mai 2022 darüber, dass es vertretbar sei, Arzneimitteln ohne Deaktivierung des individuellen Erkennungsmerkmals (durch die pharmazeutischen Hersteller) in die Ukraine zu spenden. Das Vorgehen sei mit den Landesbehörden abgestimmt. Das BMG empfiehlt die Information der zuständigen …