New scanner test for the securPharm-system
For several years now, End Users have been able to easily check their scanners using NGDA‘s scanner test and thus reduce their false alerts in the securPharm-system. A new version of the scanner test is now available from our strategic partner NGDA.
Incorrectly configured scanners can lead to the Data Matrix Code with the unique identifier not being read correctly and therefore a medicinal pack not being successfully checked. This usually leads to a false alert in the securPharm-system. In addition, medicinal packs that could not be successfully verified may not be dispensed to patients in accordance with the Delegated Regulation. Reason enough to configure the scanners correctly. The new scanner test helps the End Users with this. It can be used to check whether the scanner is set up correctly or which typical incorrect settings should be corrected.
The new test includes four different DataMatrix codes, which have to be scanned and evaluated one after the other. One thing has remained the same: Scanning is carried out in the End User software by means of a simple verification. If all four verifications at a workstation show a positive result during the test (“SP-780 scanner test successful”), the workstation is optimally set up and false alerts in the securPharm system should no longer occur due to technical problems. However, if an error is displayed, this must be rectified and the test repeated. Otherwise, false alerts may continue to occur at this workstation due to the incorrect scanner settings.
The test should be carried out at all workstations – for example at the HV desk as well as in the back office. securPharm recommends repeating the test regularly, especially if changes have been made to the hardware or software.
The NGDA helpdesk is available by e-mail for any queries regarding the test. Please note that the NGDA helpdesk cannot provide any assistance regarding the hardware used. For this, please contact the hardware supplier.